Previous Issues
(ISSN: 2321-4295 & RNI UPENG/2010/38376)
Prabandhan Guru is a referred Research Journal of Management & Information Technology published by Shri Ram Group of
Colleges, Muzaffarnagar. The Journal seeks to provide a free platform to research scholars, practicing managers, teachers,
and students of business management and information technology, to present their research findings and share their views
and experiences. It aims to provide high-quality research materials and reports worldwide to academicians, consultants,
IT professionals, management developers, industrialists, and research associates/scholars.
The journal aims to disseminate information about recent developments in the field of management and information
technology by way of research articles, book reviews, summary of Ph.D. thesis, short communications, and case
studies on emerging and relevant issues. The Journal also provides exploration and open discussion of an
interdisciplinary endeavour to the various prevailing problems of Management and Information Technology.
We invite original empirical research papers, articles, review papers, executive experience sharing,
book reviews and case studies, short communication on emerging and relevant issues and problems, summary
of the Ph.D. thesis from functional areas of Management and Information technology for free publication in
Prabandhan Guru. Papers received and accepted for publication is subjected to a blind review by the subject
specialist panel and their comments.
Special Attention: To encourage promising scholars; three papers will be awarded as best articles and authors
will be honoured with a certificate and monetary rewards.
1. Two copies of the manuscript, typed in English (Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 line space) or in Hindi (kurtidev 010, 14, 1.5 line spaces), one-inch margin on all sides of A4 size paper should be submitted by author through e-mail or CDs in MS Word Format.
2. The length of a paper should not exceed 20 pages including tables, diagrams, illustrations etc. Short communications relating to book reviews, and review articles should not exceed more than 5 pages.
3. Papers should be accompanied by a declaration that the material is original, has not been published elsewhere in part or full and the same has not been submitted for publication in any other book/Journal or otherwise and a declaration for transferring authority of publication to Prabandhan Guru. All correspondence will be held with the first author only.
4. The cover page should contain the title of the paper, author’s name, designation, affiliation, official address, contact number and e-mail address. The next page should contain an abstract of not more than 250 words, along with keywords. The main text should not contain the author’s name.
5. All submitted papers will be the property of Shri Ram Group of Colleges and subjected to peer reviewed. However, the decision of the Editorial Board will be final.
6. All tables must be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals with appropriate titles. All notes and sources to the table should be given at the bottom of the respective table.
7. Footnotes in the text should be numbered consecutively in plain Arabic superscripts. All the footnotes, if any, should be typed under the heading ‘Footnotes’ at the end of paper immediately after ‘Conclusion’.
8. Reference should be listed at the end of the Paper in alphabetical order of the author, giving the author’s surname first followed by initials. If more than one publication by the same author is listed, the items should be given in chronological order.
9. References should be embedded in text in the APA style, examples are as follows :
For Book:
Simon, N. (2010). The participatory museum. Santa Cruz, CA: Museum 2.0.
For Book chapter:
Crumpton, M.A.(2008). Big growth is not a small strategy. In J. Mcneil Hurlbert (Ed.), Defining relevancy: Managing the new academic library (pp.186-199). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
For Journal Article:
Fletcher, D.and Sarkar, M. (2012). A grounded theory of psychological resilience in Olympic champions. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 13(5), 669- 678. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2012.04.007
For Website:
American Psychological Association. (n.d.). APA style blog [Web log]. Retrieved from
For Government Publication:
Report 2010-11 New Delhi Government of India, Ministry of Finance, and Department of Banking.
For unpublished M. Phil. dissertations and Ph.D thesis:
Sharma, Deepa , “Consumer Grievance Redresser in India”, unpublished M 44-49
All manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be addressed to
The Editor, Prabandhan Guru
Shri Ram Group of Colleges Parikrama Marg,
Muzaffarnagar (U.P.)-251001
Phone: +91 9917160786, 7060671682