Group discussion competition

Group discussion competition

A group discussion was organized for the students by the Business Administration Department in Shri Ram College, Muzaffarnagar. It was inaugurated by lighting a lamp in front of Maa Saraswati. The main topics of this group discussion were "Life without mobile, impact of artificial intelligence on the future, reservation in jobs, online education, climate change, gender equality and cashless society" etc.

This discussion was started by forming groups of students and allocating topic slips to them through a special process in which each group was suddenly allotted topics.

This group discussion was completed in three parts. In the first part, eight groups were formed and ten students were kept in each group, in which all the students discussed the related topics judiciously. On the basis of the group discussion in this first part, three participants from each group who performed better were selected for the second part.

In the second part, two groups of ten students each were formed who had a vigorous group discussion. On the basis of the group discussion of the second part, eight participants were selected for the third part. Thereafter, in the third and final part of the group discussion, a vigorous group discussion was held among the selected participants on the topic “Life without a mobile phone”.

The role of the jury was played by the Head of the Department of Management Faculty, Dr. Pankaj Sharma and Assistant Lecturer, Dr. Chitra Shrivastava.

While concluding this group discussion, the jury announced the names of the winners. The first winner was Aditya Veer Singh, a student of BBA first year, the second winner was Aarti Kumari, a student of BBA second year, and the third place was won by Ayush, a student of BBA first year, and consolation prize was given to Sajan Kumar, a student of second year.

On this occasion, Dr. S.C., Chairman of Shri Ram College was present. Kulshreshtha congratulated all the members of the Department of Business and Management and said that the department should keep organizing such group discussion programs from time to time so that the communication skills of the students can be further developed.

On this occasion, Dr. Prerna Mittal, Principal of Shri Ram College, congratulated all the lecturers of the Department of Business and Management and encouraged the students to participate in such programs in future as well.

On this occasion, Dr. Saurabh Mittal, Dean of Management Block of Shri Ram College said that students get a lot of benefit by participating in such competitions. Unnecessary hesitation is eliminated from their communication process and qualities like speech skills are developed in them.

At the end of the program, Vivek Kumar Tyagi, Head of the Department of BBA, expressed his gratitude to the jury and the guests and thanked all the fellow lecturers. Thereafter, he congratulated the winning students and also encouraged all the other participants to win in future.

The program was successfully conducted jointly by Dr. Atul Kumar and Sagar Shukla. Himanshu Verma, Shivani Sharma, Jatin Singhal, Poonam Sharma, Kapil Deswal, Mamta Mittal, Zeba Tahir, Ankush Rawal, Monika, Tanu Tyagi, Swati Tayal, Nishi Thakur, Nishu Verma helped in making this group discussion successful.

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