‘REUNION – Alumni Function’

‘REUNION – Alumni Function’

A grand program ‘REUNION – Alumni Function’ was organized in the premises of Shri Ram College of Law to welcome the alumni of the college. In this program, Brijendra Malik, President Civil Bar Association, Muzaffarnagar, as the chief guest, Ashok Kushwaha, Vice President Civil Bar Association, Muzaffarnagar and Dr. Ravindra Pratap Singh Director Research, Shri Ram Group of Colleges, Muzaffarnagar participated in the program as special guests.

The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by all the guests. B.A.L-L. B. A welcome dance was presented to welcome the guests by Kumari Hridaya and Kumari Khushi, students of PG. All the guests were formally welcomed by the members of the organizing committee by presenting them with bouquets of flowers. In the program, spokesperson Kumari Aanchal Aggarwal introduced all the guests and introduced her college Shri Ram College of Law in front of the guests. Inaugurating the programme, college spokesperson Aanchal Aggarwal said that seeing their senior students through this ancient student honor program, junior students also get inspired to make efforts and bring glory to the country, society and the college by becoming successful people.

While presenting the welcome address and the objective of the program, Dr. Ravindra Pratap Singh, Research Director of the college, said that today's program is to think together and consider how the past and present students can achieve special achievements.Former students also presented their memoirs about the college. Taking the program forward, a question-and-answer program was organized for the senior alumni, in which the students participated enthusiastically and showcased their talent. Among the alumni, Narendra Kumar presented a song.

Former students working in distant places like Australia etc. presented their experiences through online Google Meet.
Special guest Shri Ashok Kushwaha Advocate said that all are students of law whether they are students or advocates and we all should take care of our professional ethics and follow the true path.

Chief guest Brijendra Malik said in his address that the profession of law is the best among all professions, in other professions money is given importance, but in this profession of advocacy, social service is considered more important. Apart from this, he also shared his college experiences during his student life.

At the end of the program, Dr. Poonam Sharma, Principal of Shri Ram College of Law, expressed her gratitude to the guests. The program was conducted by the college spokesperson Aanchal Aggarwal.

Shri Ram College of Law lecturers Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Mrs. Sonia Gaur, Rammanu Pratap Singh, Akanksha, Dr. Hina Gupta, Amitosh Kumar, Vinay Tiwari, Preeti Choudhary and Trilok contributed in the program.

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